• Sharing Mayo Clinic

    Celebrating Nursing

With the economy the way it is, I wasn't sure what, if anything, would be taking place during Nurses Week to celebrate our wonderful nurses here in Jacksonville. I was happy to see that our Clinical Education Department put together a week-long series of events to celebrate.

The week started with an Educational Expo where representatives from the area colleges were available to answer questions regarding going back to school or getting advanced degrees. It was nice to see the auditorium turned into a festive atmosphere with music, photos, balloons and refreshments. Displayed around the room were the posters of original work and research conducted by our employees. I was impressed with all the research going on in our own facility.

There was a lunch celebration to recognize the candidates in the Advancing Nursing Goals, Excellence and Leadership (ANGEL) program. The program honors the efforts of our nurses who enhance a professional practice environment. Several presentations highlighted local and international volunteer programs that our employees are actively involved with.

Using themes like Florence Nightingale's Birthday, some units celebrated with cakes, party hats and awards for nurses with the best smile or most likely to switch a shift with you.

The week ended with Priscilla Howick, Chaplain at Mayo Clinic's Florida campus, holding a recommitment services for caregivers and providing a blessing of the hands for those interested. Jacksonville TV anchor Donna Deegan, a long time Mayo patient and a cancer survivor, capped the day with a tribute to the nurses she has encountered at Mayo and the impact they have had on her journey with cancer.

I know that nurses don't expect special recognition, but it's nice to tell them how much they are appreciated for the many things they do and the lives they impact.

More information about becoming a nurse at Mayo Clinic in Florida is available on our Web site.

Writen by Karen Haines, Nurse Recruiter at Mayo Clinic Florida

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